Friday, August 1, 2014

Flossy Reviews: Reviva Labs' Light Skin Peel

For some time now, I have been wanting to try a skin peel. Now that I live in the Sunshine state, my face is exposed to UV rays now more than ever. While do I enjoy having a tan (don't worry, I put SPF on every morning), I am not in the market to look like a leather bag by age 40. I thought the benefits of a skin peel would help me on my quest to keep my skin looking as youthful as possible. However, I have pretty sensitive skin so I was never sure how my face would react if I had one done professionally or if I used a high-dose chemical peel. We all remember what happened to Samantha in Sex and the City after her first chemical peel, right? This actually may be where my fears come from. 


After doing some research, I stumbled upon this Reviva Labs' Light Skin Peel. I decided to go for this one because it was chemical-free and they don't test their products on animals either. I was surprised to see that one of the main ingredients in the product was almonds! Anyway, I have decided to start off easy with my dance with "chemical peels" and proceed to work my way up. I found Reviva Labs' Light Chemical Peel at Ulta for $20. The jar seems pretty small for what you're paying but the product goes a looong way.

As soon as I arrived home with it, I was eager to try it. So I washed all of my makeup off and read the short but sweet directions. Let it be known that the floral printed box is not any indication of how the product will smell. The good news though is the product literally sits on your face for only 3 to 5 minutes. A very thin layer is all that is required of the application. The consistency is slightly gritty and feels like Elmer's glue when you are applying it all over your face. After you let it dry though is when the magic happens. 

You can either use a towel or your hands to remove the "peel" from your face. I have done the peel twice now and used my hands both times but I think the next time I would like to try using a soft washcloth and see if I have even better results. When I am rubbing the peel off my face, I can actually see my dead skin slough off into the sink (sorry, TMI?). After I remove all of the peel, I rinse with some lukewarm water. 

It's amazing what a difference 5 to 7 minutes and 20 bucks will get you. My face feels like glass because it's so smooth and it looks so much healthier and brighter. This is absolutely a product that I will work into my Sunday night skincare routine. Now while this product isn't a legit "peel" per se I would consider it the most miraculous exfoliator. I checked out Reviva Labs' website and they have a whole slew of other skincare products that I would love to test out and they also provide a handy little guide on their site about what products are best for certain skin types. 

All in all, I would give Reviva Labs' Light Skin Peel 4 out of 5 stars. Have any of you ever done a chemical peel? Tell me about it in the comments section!

Until next time...Stay Flossy! 


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